Monarda Temperament, a device created by Scott Dakota on February, 2018, is a nice just intonation temperament allowing for a lush yet darker sound. After it was voted "temperament of the month" in March, 2018 (by this Facebook group ), I was eager to try it out, and I took advantage of the opportunity to try a nicely fitting lush yet darker sound in my track. I ended up with something quite minimalistic, but quite nice-sounding. You can hear it below. Well, you'd be able to hear it, if your browser supported it. Permalink in case that fails:!rkU2iBgS!P-NB5ngzK84tZc9Z9YfQZb1UIgo4GhyRUGmKSTdfwMo For those who'd like to try this temperament out, here's the original Scala file. ! Monarda_rotation00_Tannic_POTE_(12).scl ! 10:12:14:17 x 6:8:9, with 273/272 561/560 441/440 225/224 (Tannic) tempering. Great scale, lush and romantic. Scott Dakota, Feb 2018. 12 ! 101.86916 184.19351 266.51785 383.44584 500.37383 602.24299 699.62617 766.891...